The InPower Hour
Susan Dintino
Spirit & Intuition
Covering a host of subjects, The InPower Hour includes timely topics that will assist the listener in discovering new ideas as well as getting reacquainted with concepts that they've heard about before. Crystals, moon cycles, enhancing intuitive abilities, and energy healing are just a few things you'll discover with Susan.
“Laughter is the song of the soul” in Susan’s opinion and a light-hearted attitude is a key element of the topic of the day. Make no mistake, though, her approach will still give you the tools that you need to overcome challenges and live a joyful life.
Meditation is a passion of Susan’s and some weeks she will take the listener on a guided meditation that will promote relaxation and well-being. Experienced meditators as well as people new to meditation will benefit with easy to follow prompts.
Enjoy captivating guests from time to time to share their expertise on a variety of topics. Hand-picked by Susan, her guests will be people who will entertain as well as inform. Guests Susan has had on previous shows include Bernie Siegel and Judith Cameron.
Ultimately, The InPower Hour is all about you the listener. Each week Susan draws an oracle card to jump start The InPower Hour with a bit of intuitive advice for all who are tuned in. Then throughout the show, as an experienced psychic, Susan will do mini-readings for lucky listeners by taking live calls and questions from the Facebook chat room.
Jam-packed with inspiration, motivation, and a laugh or two, The InPower Hour will beckon you and Susan’s open heart and compassion will bring you back week after week. The InPower Hour… InPowering you!
About Susan Dintino

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Meet Susan Dintino, a Hay House author, motivational speaker, intuitive advisor and radio show host. Her memoir titled "Songs of My Life…Slightly Out of Tune," was an Amazon Hot Pick. "Songs of My Life…Slightly Out of Tune" speaks to a generation over the age of 40 who are dealing with life’s challenges, both big and small. Susan writes about love, marriage, family, aging, health scares, parenting, and staying relevant and excited about what life has to offer. Her message is one of hope, and her conclusion is that we’re all trying to do our best, and it’s better if we can do so with a smile. Susan offers gentle advice, the kind that comes from a lifetime of experience.
Susan’s first book, "A Year of Me" (geared for children 4 and up) is a wonderful interactive journal that takes children through a magical year of memories and adventures. Wishes & Dreams LLC was created to promote the book and Susan’s other ventures including workshops and motivational speaking.
In 2004, the angels came calling (literally in a vivid dream) and Susan began to pursue her interests in the metaphysical world. Finding that doing intuitive readings and learning healing techniques came easy to her, she embarked on a journey of perfecting her skills. Her goal is to assist people with their challenges and with living a life of joy and peace. Her healing modalities include being a Reiki Master, Reconnective Healer Level 3, and Vibrational Sound Therapist.
Meditation is one of Susan’s passions and she has created the healing meditation CD "Butterfly Blessings" and trademarked a new meditation technique called InPowering Meditation™. This technique combines journaling, affirmation creation, and guided meditation to promote peace and serenity as well as assist the listeners in manifesting what they desire in life and changing limiting beliefs.
For the past 15 years, Susan has hosted a variety of radio shows and enjoys informing and motivating her listeners. A perennial teacher, she explores a variety of topics, interviews motivating guests, and gives mini intuitive readings to her listeners.
Her new show, The InPower Hour, on InFlowRadio at broadcasts every Thursday at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST and Susan is thrilled to be a part of this innovative radio station.
Whether writing, teaching, broadcasting or doing readings, Susan feels that “laughter is the song of the soul” and imbibes everything she does with humor where it is appropriate making her offerings entertaining as well as illuminating.
Dennis Dintino was the love of Susan’s life and he passed on October 16, 2016. There is not a day that goes by that she does not miss her high school sweetheart and husband of 45 years. A proud mom of 3 powerful women and Nonni to her grandchildren, she enjoys living in Southwest Florida where walking the beach is her favorite pastime.
For more about Susan I invite you to visit
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