When Life Gets Messy
Career UpRising/Lorraine Rise
October 22, 2023
Career UpRising
Lorraine Rise
October 22, 2023
When Life Gets Messy
Oftentimes before things get really good, they fall apart. A crisis is always a wake up call and sign that your life is heading in a new direction. This is both exciting and scary! Learn how Lorraine navigated several challenges this year and you can do the same. Order Lorraine’s new book today: Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/what-you-didnt-learn-in-school-lorraine-rise/1144073250?ean=9781637558188
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/What-You-Didnt-Learn-School/dp/163755818X?ref_=ast_author_dp
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