Surfing the Psychic Waves – InFlowRadio

Surfing the Psychic Waves


Kristi Walsh

Surfing the Psychic Waves

Kristi Walsh

Wednesday, 01:00pm 02:00pm
AIRS LIVE 1-2 PM PST/ 4-5 PM EST WEDNESDAYS Welcome to Surfing the Psychic Waves! So what waves are you surfing today? Are they psychic waves, or cosmic waves, or maverick waves? Many of us have been using psychic or spiritual tools, but we are always being called back to the surf. Things are changing from a dimensional world to something different, we are expanding our world from duality to a world where we are all one, and we are interested in new ways to create peace within ourselves and with others. Ascension means different things to different folks but there are similar stories, where one day you wake up remembering dreams and spiritual mystery school teachings, and then the next day it’s like it’s your first day on this planet. With every new moon, full moon, equinox, solstice, or planets aligning in a certain way, more energy is available to raise our vibration. Sometimes we will jump into the cosmic surf, other times, we choose to stay still, and other times we enjoy those waves tossing us around. We will ride the waves of our new ascension, psychic or spiritual spaces together, and share our stories. So are you paddling out, are you on the beach waxing your board, or are you riding the curl right now? Kristi has been surfing these waves for many years now, and she draws on all sorts of tools she has acquired along the way. Meditation is her first source, then her psychic and mediumship abilities, astrology and astronomy, and her daily communions with God and all sorts of spiritual beings with bodies and without. So let’s find some Peace, love and all kinds of waves!
About Kristi Walsh


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Kristi Walsh is the host of Surfing the Psychic Waves on, Soundcloud and iTunes. Kristi talks to surfers, psychics and metaphysicians to share their tales of the surf and to discover new ways to handle these cosmic waves. Kristi Walsh is a trance medium healer and clairvoyant psychic whose journey began with the usual monsters in closets, which led to a coloring book that had a section about ESP and other phenomenon, talking to her Great Aunt telepathically (7rs old), then the usual talking to different beings, planets, and finally she harnessed her seeing and healing abilities with classes from the Berkeley Psychic Institute starting in college, later classes at Arthur Findlay College in the UK, and many other trainings. Surfing the Psychic Waves can lead you into discussions with metaphysical surfers such as Lindy Cowling, James Tyberonn, Michael Tamura, George Kavassilas, Blossom Goodchild, Venus Andrecht, Lia Scallon and many others. See you in the Surf!

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