Surfing the Psychic Waves
Kristi Walsh
Spirit & Intuition
About Kristi Walsh

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Kristi Walsh is the host of Surfing the Psychic Waves on, Soundcloud and iTunes. Kristi talks to surfers, psychics and metaphysicians to share their tales of the surf and to discover new ways to handle these cosmic waves. Kristi Walsh is a trance medium healer and clairvoyant psychic whose journey began with the usual monsters in closets, which led to a coloring book that had a section about ESP and other phenomenon, talking to her Great Aunt telepathically (7rs old), then the usual talking to different beings, planets, and finally she harnessed her seeing and healing abilities with classes from the Berkeley Psychic Institute starting in college, later classes at Arthur Findlay College in the UK, and many other trainings. Surfing the Psychic Waves can lead you into discussions with metaphysical surfers such as Lindy Cowling, James Tyberonn, Michael Tamura, George Kavassilas, Blossom Goodchild, Venus Andrecht, Lia Scallon and many others. See you in the Surf!
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