SoulFUEL – InFlowRadio



Wendy Collier


Wendy Collier

Discover the power of your SoulFUEL® in helping you become an unstoppable force for good. Wendy Collier knows how to intuitively hone in on what is really holding you back so you can LIVE a Soul-Fueled life doing work that really matters to you. SoulFUEL is what you were placed on this earth to do - really do. It is much deeper than your passions and transcends specific roles in your life. It is the fullest expression of who you are. When you plug into its power, you are energized in a way that feels completely natural to you. With topics such as how to; do business and marketing the Soul-Fueled way, think differently to stop self-sabotage, apply Law Of Attraction to start and grow your business or identify exactly what you are meant to do, Wendy will help you create freedom for yourself, and your family. She will give you all the permission you need to be FULLY you while also helping you find the courage, confidence and clarity to go after what you want. Wendy will lead you in uncovering your secret sauce while also giving you actionable, practical advice combined with inner game techniques and outer game strategies to conceive, launch and grow a Soul-Fueled business. She will also offer a loving kick in the butt when you need it so you don’t waste one more day dwelling in ‘the illusion of confusion.” Leave your old story behind so you can BE, DO and HAVE all that you can imagine. Enjoy Wendy’s wit, wisdom and special guests. Give her a call to crack open the possibilities in your life and get rid of the excuses. Listen in to get inspired and FIRED UP to go after the life you want.

SoulFUEL® Starter Bundle

Get your free downloads now.


The FREE SoulFUEL® Starter Bundle will help you:


  • Uncover the passions and talents you have right now, that are most likely to make you money
  • Get clear about what makes you really tick
  • Discover your SoulFUEL Sparks
  • Get you inspired to move forward
  • Increase your confidence and sense of self worth
  • Rediscover forgotten parts of YOU.


Here’s what’s included:


An audio Program,: “5 Steps to Confidence and Clarity to Create Your Soul-Fueled Business and Impact the World in a BIG Way” and two complimentary playbooks: 1) “Passions You Can Monetize” helps you figure out right now those passions that are most likely to make you money and 2) “SoulFUEL® Sparks” to help you begin to uncover your SoulFUEL.

You also receive a Free SoulFUEL Confidence & Clarity Breakthrough Planning Session to get your questions answered. The value is at $700 but it’s my gift to you at

About Wendy Collier

Wendy Collier


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Wendy Collier is the creator and founder of SoulFUEL®. She guides women as they awaken to what their soul is here to do so they can do work that really matters to them. She empowers ambitious, accomplished, purpose-driven women to live FREE from the inside, out. She mentors entrepreneurs and those stuck in corporate on how to win the inner and outer game to design a business that IS their SoulFUEL® so they may always live from the space of light, love and happiness. She shows women how to find the guts, smarts and confidence to profit from their passion, make a difference and live a life LIT UP.

Wendy believes you have a soul signature no one else in the history of the world will ever have. It is your SoulFUEL. She leads her clients on how to; get clear on exactly what they are meant to do unleash their SoulFUEL, think differently to stop self sabotage, create passion-based businesses that are also viable, create conscious, effective marketing, manifest their desires, and allow abundance (in all forms) to flow freely no matter what their circumstances, experience or background. She believes the human spirit never rests until it has found a home where it can be fully and authentically expressed. Wendy will help you create that freedom for yourself and through the ripple effect - your family too. She will give you all the permission you need to be FULLY you while also helping you find the courage, confidence and clarity to go after what you want.

She uses her decades of experience and education in the personal growth industry, Franklin Covey Leadership Coaching Certification, Advanced ICF Coaching Training at CoachVille, and 21 years of marketing experience at Fortune 500 and Forbes Top 100 companies to help women take the wheel of their lives, work and money. She is now running an ever-growing coaching business that empowers women to make money doing what they are meant to do while transforming their lives, their families and the world around them.

She is the Creator of SoulFUEL™ Discovery, Host of the SoulFUEL radio show, SoulFUEL School®, SoulFUEL Private Diamond Program, SoulFUEL Private VIP Days, Ticket To Freedom Summit, and is the Founder & President of Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC. She is also an avid traveler, obsessed with the ocean, devoted to funding the eradication of human trafficking, a volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate (C.A.S.A.) for abused children, and all-out committed to consciously creating a life she loves, with others who are doing the same. Wendy is available for speaking and live events. Find out more at

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#226: Surfing the Work Jerk Waves


Kristina Walsh