Dear Venus – InFlowRadio

Dear Venus


Venus Andrecht

Dear Venus

Venus Andrecht

Wednesday, 02:00pm 03:00pm

Live on Weds. at 2 pm PST / 5 pm EST • CALL 1-760-456-7277

CALL VENUS DURING HER LIVE SHOW BETWEEN 2 - 3 PM PACIFIC US WEDNESDAYS AND BE AN ON-AIR CALLER! DIAL USA 1-760-456-7277 Welcome to Dear Venus with host Venus Andrecht. Venus is a clarifying counselor, medium, and telepath—she works with all the "clairs." She also has and works with unusual and intense energies to clarify and heal your relationships and life issues. Venus reads minds and speaks with the "dead." A lot of interesting energies rush through her in readings and on the radio. Clients and listeners often tell her that they feel these energies clear out and realign their lives in good ways. Venus tells the truth, is fun, and totally unique. Sometimes she will "blow you off your stool" with what she sees. Get a cup of tea, call her on the radio for a free on-air reading... and join the party. What her listeners have to say: “Pour yourself a cuppa tea and sit back and enjoy the laughter and powerful wisdom with Venus. She is the best and her readings are spot on!” “Venus is accurate, hysterical and such a warm person. I could listen to her all day.” Venus also does private readings by phone or Skype: Energy Art by Venus:

A Free Mojo!

Download my audio mp3 Mojo: “Everything is always okay!’

“Everything is always okay,” I promise you! My free audio mojo will help you feel calm and positive – no matter what is going on in your life!


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About Venus Andrecht

Venus Andrecht


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Venus Andrecht has the ability to toss energies in a unique and interesting way! She's also a medium and a clarifying counselor: She can see your life and help clarify and put things in order and perspective. As a medium, she speaks with the dead, and as a telepath and empath (and all the “clairs"), she reads the minds of the living — which is why she gets a lot of calls about people's love lives: "What is he/she thinking about me!?"

People often say they can feel the energy that rushes through Venus into them. Clients and callers to the show commonly tell her things change for the better in various ways after the "energy toss." Venus also uses energy to find and remove problems you may have inherited from your ancestors.

A session with Venus can answer questions such as:

• "Why do I have this recurring situation or theme in my life?" • "Why did my boyfriend suddenly disappear?" • "Can you stop my boss from bullying me?" • "I'm in love with a married man, what are his plans for me?" • and many other situations and puzzles.

Venus works with love, career, phobias, fears, obsessions, living and "dead" people ... in other words, just about everything. She also uses good energy "mojos" to help change difficult problems and enhance happiness. She's been doing readings for 40+ years.

Last, Venus is a painter who creates "Good Energy Art" that people keep in their homes to bring good luck and fortune. To see her work, visit To learn more about Venus or book a private readings with her, please visit her website

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