The Powerful Links Between Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine – Conversation with Dr. Prana Gogia [Episode 63] – InFlowRadio

The Powerful Links Between Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine – Conversation with Dr. Prana Gogia [Episode 63]

Sivana Podcast/Sivana East / Brett Larkin

October 26, 2016

Sivana Podcast

Sivana East / Brett Larkin

October 26, 2016

The Powerful Links Between Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine – Conversation with Dr. Prana Gogia [Episode 63]

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda have both been around since antiquity. While the two grew in their own separate ways, their nearby cultural connections meant that they likely influenced each another. What similarities are there between these two holistic sciences? What are their big differences? Join us with Dr. Prana Gogia, Acupuncturist and Ayurvedic Practitioner, as we discuss these two fascinating forms of medicine and learn more about how they can benefit us in our daily lives.

Special Guest: Dr. Prana Gogia

Host: Ashton Szabo

Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper

Producer: Benn Mendelson


Source: Sivana

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