Record Your Podcast – InFlowRadio

Record Your Podcast



The fastest way to grow your tribe is with personal connection. So how do you connect with people all over the world without having to travel all the time? How can you get in their ears and in their hearts with your message?


That was the problem I was asked to solve more than a decade ago as I built Hay House Radio.


We had amazingly talented authors who wanted to bring their messages to as many people as they could. I discovered that podcasting and live Internet talk-radio is the most profitable, least pricy, and most intimate way to do that.


Fast forward 13 years, and my newest online podcast network is now open to EVERYONE.





Meaning, if you have a podcast in you, or a message that you need to get out so you can reach your clients, community and customers, then our studio is fully built to record you remotely, from your own home, no matter where you live in the world.

We specialize in ONLY creating shows for personal growth, coaching, intuition, conscious business, self-help, spirituality, entrepreneurship, and health and wellness.

Our team’s decade of creating and distributing podcasts for people like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Marianne Williamson, Suze Orman and others mean we know exactly how to help you build and develop YOUR show.

You don’t have to be a big brand or a big name though — in fact THAT is what your podcast will help you build.



Other podcast production companies will record your low-fi, poor quality show where you struggle to get guests on and you screen your own callers. Then, they toss you into a giant bucket website with other poorly-produced, bad sounding podcasts where no one will find you. If you’ve tried making your podcast that way before, you know how frustrating it is.


Others of you have hunted for a local audio team or music studio and ended up hiring people with very little podcast experience, low-quality recordings, pricey studios hours, and taping guests who ended up with trashy telephone or Skype-quality interviews. You can do better, much better.


Right now, other change-makers, coaches, and entrepreneurs are creating huge tribes with podcasting, and doing it smartly. We can show you what they’re doing differently. With us, you’ll record your show from your own home in high-def quality.


Your live, experienced engineer and call screener will help you the whole time, so your show is flawless. Then, we you’re your files and distribute your show to iTunes, our own network, and all the other most important outlets out there.



On our InFlowRadio network, you’ll benefit from our custom audience, who are already your ideal audience. You’ll reach them each and every week.

Perhaps most importantly, we understand the world of coaching, wellness, and personal growth better than anyone else out there — so we know what works and what doesn’t. Plus, we’re reasonably priced.

This kind of remote-recording, podcast specialized studio is really hard to find, and we had to build ours from the ground up. We can record you from your own home computer setup, then deliver up finished files ready for you to offer to your customers or load up on iTunes.

Imagine thousands of people downloading your show each week. Feel into the emails, messages, and calls you’ll begin receiving from fans and potential customers. This is real. It’s 100% less difficult, time-consuming, and costly than ANY form of video.

Let’s get that podcast idea out of your head, and into the world. If not now, when? Call us or email and let’s talk about your show. I can’t wait to hear from you. It’s open-casting!



Because we’re experienced. Very experienced.


Summer McStravick, CEO of, conceived of and built Hay House Radio, where for a decade she produced and recorded shows for:

  • Louise Hay
  • Dr. Wayne Dyer
  • Doreen Virtue
  • Debbie Ford
  • Suze Orman
  • Jerry and Esther Hicks
  • Gregg Braden
  • Sylvia Browne
  • Dr. Christiane Northrup
  • T. Harv Eker
  • Marianne Williamson
  • and many more


Now she’s doing it again, producing shows for established and emerging talents who want to grow their brand and their voices. She and her expert team will show you how you can have your own show and establish yourself as a leading thought-leader, coach, intuitive, or wellness professional.



If you need to record meditations, audio downloads, free gift audios, or any other audio products, we can record you in high-def from the comfort of your own home. Contact us for details.

  • meditations
  • free gift audios
  • audio excepts of your book
  • podcast ads
  • audio tutorials
  • audio kits
  • guided activities
  • instructional audios


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