Who was Rumi? with Shahram Shiva [Episode 260] – InFlowRadio

Who was Rumi? with Shahram Shiva [Episode 260]

Sivana Podcast/Sivana East / Brett Larkin

February 20, 2019

Sivana Podcast

Sivana East / Brett Larkin

February 20, 2019

Who was Rumi? with Shahram Shiva [Episode 260]

Let’s travel back to the 13th century and learn about Rumi! Award-winning translator and scholar of Rumi, Shahram Shiva, takes us on a journey of Rumi’s early life. How did Rumi transition from a conservative scholar to the poet we love and know today? Why was his teaching so radical? What about his teaching is still so relevant today? Listen to learn more!

Shahram Shiva is an award-winning translator and scholar of Rumi, author of several books, recording artist and teacher of advanced spirituality. He is known for rich and entrancing concerts and performances and captivating talks and lectures. Shahram Shiva is one of the original translators and popularizers of Rumi. Shahram Shiva’s teachings are on the future of spirituality, consciousness expansion, vision manifestation, self-realization and the art of limitless living. Shahram Shiva’s latest album is LOVE EVOLVE and his newest book is Rumi’s Untold Story.


Special Guest: Shahram Shiva

www.ShahramShiva.com www.Rumi.net @ShahramShiva


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Creator & Host: Brett Larkin



Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper



Producer: Benn Mendelson




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Transformation, joy, love, happiness

Source: Sivana

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