Model Yoga in Your Family with Sophie Jaffe – InFlowRadio

Model Yoga in Your Family with Sophie Jaffe

Sivana Podcast/Sivana East / Brett Larkin

December 19, 2023

Sivana Podcast

Sivana East / Brett Larkin

December 19, 2023

Model Yoga in Your Family with Sophie Jaffe

Do you want to give yourself more grace and compassion (but are plagued with guilt and martyrdom)? Do you want to speak kindly to yourself, your kids, and partner? Do you want to leverage your yoga tools, even when you have no time? Or “be the change” by modeling yoga and mindfulness for your family?

Learn how to do all these things with my friend Sophie Jaffe (superfood CEO, yoga teacher, and mama of three). Today, we go behind-the-scenes on her life as a fulltime yoga influencer, CEO and mom. Discover:   

🔹 How Sophie models yoga and mindfulness for her kids

🔹 Why radical transparency creates safety in her family

🔹 Concrete tools to use when you’re overwhelmed with guilt or running on empty 


GUEST EXPERT: Sophie Jaffe @sophie.jaffe @philosophielove

Sophie is a Los Angeles based yoga teacher, wellness expert, and mama to three beautiful children. Explore her superfood company and wellness brand, Philosophie, to attain optimal health + radiant wellness.


Relevant to Today’s Episode:

Yoga for Self Mastery



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© 2023 Uplifted Yoga |

Source: Sivana

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