#54: It’s Always a Good Time to Recharge – InFlowRadio

#54: It’s Always a Good Time to Recharge

Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

August 14, 2019

Love Your Life

Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

August 14, 2019

#54: It’s Always a Good Time to Recharge

What comes to mind when you think about Me Time? Does it feel hopeless….like you need at least a month to do nothing? Maybe your battery is depleted. Research shows that even a small amount of time spent consciously renewing yourself makes a world of difference. What does renew mean to you? It doesn’t have to be something elaborate. Little small oases of peace bring big dividends in loving your life. Join Debi and Genie to explore!

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