#39: The Winding Road of Habits – InFlowRadio

#39: The Winding Road of Habits

Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

April 24, 2019

Love Your Life

Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

April 24, 2019

#39: The Winding Road of Habits

In life, getting from point A to point B is not always a straight path. Often times we decide to make changes and find ourselves circling back around to our old ways. To change a habit, we can’t just drop the old habit, we need to know what we will put in its place. Today, join Genie and Debi as we talk about planning. We live in the totality of possibilities, so let’s get creative and think about options for thought and behavior. And what happens when the old behavior sneaks back in? We’ll have a plan for that too

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