Who am I Really? with Lee McCormick [Episode 240] – InFlowRadio

Who am I Really? with Lee McCormick [Episode 240]

Sivana Podcast/Sivana East / Brett Larkin

December 10, 2018

Sivana Podcast

Sivana East / Brett Larkin

December 10, 2018

Who am I Really? with Lee McCormick [Episode 240]

How do we shake off the programming we inherit from our parents and our culture? How do we notice when we’re living in a particular energetic pattern, and break free? How do we learn to cherish or own unique, innate value? To get in touch with our own soul? These are the questions I explore today with Lee McCormick, author of the The Heart Reconnection Guidebook: A Guided Journey of Personal Discovery and Self-Awareness. Behind the roles you play in life – mother, father, wife, husband, employee – who ARE you, really? Listen to this deep, contemplative interview with Lee to get your wheels turning.

Born into a tribe of movers and shakers, Lee McCormick has always lived out loud. He is the founder of The Integrative Life Center in Nashville, The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee, and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California and has been a creative force in the Mental Health and Recovery scene for over 20 years.  He founded Spirit Recovery Inc. to produce Healing and Recovery conferences and Spiritual Journeys around the world. Lee is also a co-founder of Front Porch Partners a Consulting, Management, and Research Development Company working in the medical and behavioral Health disciplines.  Lee has authored The Spirit Recovery Meditation Journal to assist people in reclaiming their lives and is co-author of Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag with HCI Books. Lee is the executive producer and has a leading role in the documentary Dreaming Heaven, the true story of the experiences of 18 people over five days at Teotihuacán, Mexico. He has led many journeys to this place of power. 


Special Guest: Lee McCormick



Creator & Host: Brett Larkin



Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper



Producer: Benn Mendelson




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Source: Sivana

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