Gluten or Gluten-Free in Ayurveda with Akshata Sheelvant [Episode 216] – InFlowRadio

Gluten or Gluten-Free in Ayurveda with Akshata Sheelvant [Episode 216]

Sivana Podcast/Sivana East / Brett Larkin

September 12, 2018

Sivana Podcast

Sivana East / Brett Larkin

September 12, 2018

Gluten or Gluten-Free in Ayurveda with Akshata Sheelvant [Episode 216]

What is gluten? What’s it affect on each dosha? Examine the gluten-free diet from a yogic perspective with ayurvedic practitioner Akshata Sheelvant. We cover: Why gluten is heavy to digest. How eliminating gluten for certain body-types could eliminate the good bacteria in your gut. A simple checklist of things to consider when thinking about going gluten free. If you’re interested in Ayurveda, you’ll love diving deeper in this episode.

Akshata (Akee) Sheelvant is an Ayurveda/Yoga Lifestyle Consultant living in Phoenix, USA. She is a RYT certified yoga teacher studied with Yogrishi Vishvketu in Rishikesh, India. Akshata is also a disciple of her Guru Paramahansa Yogananda and has been practicing his yoga & meditation teachings for more than 20 years. Akshata has used the scientific wisdom of classical Ayurveda and practice of authentic Hatha Yoga to successfully regulated her hypothyroidism without any medication or hormones.  The saying ‘let food be thy medicine’ is a living mantra in her personal life, she brings her practical knowledge of Ayurveda and Yoga in her 1-1 consultations, online webinars, workshops. Her forte is crafting multi-cuisine nutritiously delicious “food-medicine” which is customized to clients unique body constitution. She specializes in helping her clients for endocrine health, diabetes management, weight issues, hormone balance, digestive issues.


Special Guest: Akshata Sheelvant

Website: Gluten Free Sivana Package: Dosha Karma Dharma Podcast:


Creator & Host: Brett Larkin


Sound Engineer: Zach Cooper


Producer: Benn Mendelson


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Source: Sivana

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