#21: What Your Kid’s Teachers, Coaches, and Friends’ Parents Want You to Know, But Don’t Want To Tell You
Divorce with Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting/Gina Marie DePrima, Esq.
September 10, 2018
Divorce with Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting
Gina Marie DePrima, Esq.
September 10, 2018
#21: What Your Kid’s Teachers, Coaches, and Friends’ Parents Want You to Know, But Don’t Want To Tell You
Nobody wants to screw up their kids by breaking up their marriage…but the reality is that it can happen and it does happen. Subtle gestures, hints, and comments made in front of kids are often to blame. Today we will explore some examples in perfect timing for the newness of Fall and back to school. So you can start this year off right.
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