#98: Three Moms, Three Cups of Coffee (one Decaf) Talk Motherhood with Special Guest Donna Parks – InFlowRadio

#98: Three Moms, Three Cups of Coffee (one Decaf) Talk Motherhood with Special Guest Donna Parks

Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

September 30, 2020

Love Your Life

Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

September 30, 2020

#98: Three Moms, Three Cups of Coffee (one Decaf) Talk Motherhood with Special Guest Donna Parks

We talk a lot on the Love Your Life Show about seeing life from many points of view. Research from Harvard University shows that success is achieved more frequently by those who can see different possibilities. Noticing who is in your inner circle of friends and broadening your horizons is one way we can all bring new viewpoints and better understanding into our lives.

So, on today’s Love Your Life Show Genie and Debi welcome special guest Donna parks. All three are mothers and all three share many commonalities as well as coming from three very unique backgrounds. On this week’s show we will explore the beautiful diversity among us and build on the commonalities and strengths that we all bring to the beautiful tapestry that is life. One of the biggest commonalities is we all love our children unconditionally!

Join us for three moms, three cups of coffee (one decaf) and three different viewpoints on the most rewarding job of motherhood.

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