#9: Leaving a Narcissist – InFlowRadio

#9: Leaving a Narcissist

Divorce with Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting/Gina Marie DePrima, Esq.

June 4, 2018

Divorce with Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting

Gina Marie DePrima, Esq.

June 4, 2018

#9: Leaving a Narcissist

Join me and my special guest, attorney Hope R. Jay, as we explore narcissism and the special challenges one faces when breaking up with a narcissist. Hope is a survivor herself and has cultivated her law practice over the years to serve victims of domestic violence and narcissistic abuse. She is also founder of the invitation only Facebook group Learn, Live, Grow-Support for survivors of narcissistic abuse.

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#11: Don’t Speak Ill of the Dead! (Rebroadcast)


Venus Andrecht