#89: Conventional Medicine or Holistic Health Care… Does it Have to be One or the Other? – InFlowRadio

#89: Conventional Medicine or Holistic Health Care… Does it Have to be One or the Other?

Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

July 29, 2020

Love Your Life

Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

July 29, 2020

#89: Conventional Medicine or Holistic Health Care… Does it Have to be One or the Other?

Join Genie and Debi as we look at conventional medicine as compared with holistic health care. As cancer survivors, both Debi and Genie have put together a team of healthcare providers consisting of medical doctors and other holistic health care providers. On this week’s show, we will talk about what conventional medicine is and how it can work together with holistic health care. Listen in as we share our personal journeys from disease to wellness. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing and there is always more than one path to wellness. Let’s explore the paths together as you decide what your personal healthcare team should look like.

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