#87: Finding Inner Beauty and Shining Your Light with special guest Kristy Bowlin – InFlowRadio

#87: Finding Inner Beauty and Shining Your Light with special guest Kristy Bowlin

Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

July 15, 2020

Love Your Life

Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

July 15, 2020

#87: Finding Inner Beauty and Shining Your Light with special guest Kristy Bowlin

A life you love starts from within. We must tap into the loving energy that flows within all of us to truly live a life of contentment and joy. As you know, if you’ve listened to the show for a while, we talk about the energy side of things and the physical side. Both are important and learning to flow within the energy side of things and the physical is something our guest today knows a lot about.

Kristy Bowlin joins Genie and Debi on this week’s Love Your Life Show to talk about Inner Beauty and how confidence from within shines outward. Kristy and her husband Jerry were long time owners of The Angel’s Loft is East Bridgewater, Massachusetts. They are both Reiki master teachers. Kristy has gone on to own her own beauty and skin care business called, An Angel’s Kiss. Pull up a chair at the kitchen table as the three ladies talk about life, love, inner beauty and more! For more information please join
Kristy’s Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/anangelskiss/

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