#85: The Second Key to Happiness … Mapping Your Success Route
Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi
July 1, 2020

Love Your Life
Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi
July 1, 2020
#85: The Second Key to Happiness … Mapping Your Success Route
Today, join Genie and Debi as we talk about the second key to happiness, mapping your success route. In his best selling book, ” Before Happiness…” Shawn Achor talks about the 5 hidden keys to happiness and success. So, in order to map your success route, you must identify what success and happiness means to you. Once you know what makes life meaningful to you, you can then start to shift your thinking to focus on behaviors that honor those things. And finally, focus on the possibility of success. What you focus on grows, so you want to be sure you’re focusing on ways to move forward successfully.
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