#8: Rising & Doing Your Great Work – InFlowRadio

#8: Rising & Doing Your Great Work

SoulFUEL/Wendy Collier

June 7, 2018


Wendy Collier

June 7, 2018

#8: Rising & Doing Your Great Work

This is for you if you feel in any way held back or slowed down in fulfilling what you want for your life and work. This begins with how you feel (or rather what you believe) about yourself deep down where no one else can see. Those feelings then dictate what you do or NOT do that either allows or disallows you to rise and do your fantastic life-giving, pumped-up, passion- filled work so can cruise around this planet happy as a butterfly.

In this episode Wendy walks you through both these parts ? the rising and how that immediately has a positive impact on what you are doing to move forward doing your great work. And as always, Wendy will also give you a few steps to walk away with to help you gain momentum no matter what stage you are in in your business creation or growth.

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