705: Not Every Hobby Needs to Be a Hustle – InFlowRadio

705: Not Every Hobby Needs to Be a Hustle

Flowdreaming/Summer McStravick

July 25, 2023


Summer McStravick

July 25, 2023

705: Not Every Hobby Needs to Be a Hustle

Maybe it’s happened to you: That thing you love? Your hobby, your passion? Maybe it was writing, or coaching. You tried to make money off it. You tried to transition it into a side-gig, or your main gig. And then it got hard. And then you felt behind, like you weren’t doing good enough. And then one day, you realized you no longer loved that thing you loved. You killed it. You killed your passion. Let’s talk about how sometimes, the things we love should just stay things we love. No hustle, no hacks. Instead, we’ll honor those things we love by giving them space and taking all the pressure away. Let’s learn how. Visit www.flowdreaming.com for more.

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