#7: Love Your Body (Rebroadcast) – InFlowRadio

#7: Love Your Body (Rebroadcast)

Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

November 21, 2018

Love Your Life

Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

November 21, 2018

#7: Love Your Body (Rebroadcast)

Your Body is your vehicle to explore the world. You only get one for this lifetime. Are you treating yours like a friend or beating up on it? Let’s explore ways to love your body now…as it is…starting with your thoughts and self-talk and then about your physical actions! Loving your body NOW is the first step to positive change.

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#11: Don’t Speak Ill of the Dead! (Rebroadcast)


Venus Andrecht