#67: Setting Yourself Up For Success In the New Year With Self-Compassion – InFlowRadio

#67: Setting Yourself Up For Success In the New Year With Self-Compassion

Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

January 8, 2020

Love Your Life

Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

January 8, 2020

#67: Setting Yourself Up For Success In the New Year With Self-Compassion

Life is all about change and as we begin the New Year, let’s think about setting ourselves up for success! But How? Somewhere along the line we learned that in order to change, we needed to be wrong. What if that’s backwards? In reality, positive change comes from self-love and compassion. It comes from acknowledging where we are, loving ourselves, and choosing new thoughts and behaviors to facilitate change.

Join Genie and Debi for this week’s show as we talk about some simple ways to be more self-compassionate!

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