#608: Able to Float (Softening into Life) – InFlowRadio

#608: Able to Float (Softening into Life)

Flowdreaming/Summer McStravick

July 10, 2019


Summer McStravick

July 10, 2019

#608: Able to Float (Softening into Life)

Work, work, work. Get ahead, do the right thing. Succeed. Be perfect. After awhile, the hamster wheel slows. Maybe we retire. Maybe we burn out. Maybe we’re facing (or recovering from) an illness. Maybe we’re in that long stretch between jobs, or careers. And we realize … we don’t know how to float, to soften in. We lost the ability to trust, and revel in the delightful things. We frantically push out of this phase instead of releasing into it. We are afraid to stop hustling and just enjoy. And even if you do, we time-limit the experience. If this is you, then listen in to learn how to soften, deepen, and cherish this phase instead of fighting it. My Easy, Flowing Life Playlist can help.

Check out this episode!

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#676 Dump Your Fear Of Success


Summer McStravick