#56: Strengths…What are Yours? – InFlowRadio

#56: Strengths…What are Yours?

Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

August 28, 2019

Love Your Life

Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi

August 28, 2019

#56: Strengths…What are Yours?

Last week we talked about sustaining your energy levels. Why is it important and ways that you can do it. So now, as you continue to establish your energy maintenance habits, you find yourself with a wonderful surplus of energy! You come home from work or your daily activities and you’re not collapsing in a heap. You want to explore your life!!! What a great feeling! Join Genie and Debi on today’s show to talk about strengths. How can you uncover yours and how can you use your strengths in different, new and exciting ways. Finding purpose in life makes life lovable….becoming aware of and using your strengths is one way to make life meaningful.

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