#55: Sustaining Your New Found Energy (Rebroadcast)
Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi
May 20, 2020

Love Your Life
Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi
May 20, 2020
#55: Sustaining Your New Found Energy (Rebroadcast)
If you’ve been practicing your breathing, you’ve been preparing your day and pre-paving for a good day. You might even find yourself saying, “I have all this energy. What do I do with myself now?!” By preparing and setting the tone for your day, you are renewing your energy levels and building a nice reserve of energy. We all know that life can throw us curve balls from time to time, but with a recharged battery, you can handle it! Join us today as we talk about developing good energy renewal habits.
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