#5: Ditching the Dye
The Abby Moneyhun Show/Abby Moneyhun
May 23, 2018

The Abby Moneyhun Show
Abby Moneyhun
May 23, 2018
#5: Ditching the Dye
I did something that shocked my friends ? probably shocked myself more! I took the clippers to my perfectly good head of hair and buzzed it all off. I wanted to let my natural hair color shine and didn’t know how to transition so had myself a little rebirth and started over from scratch.
I’m here to answer your questions about the transition process, also to touch base on so many of the emotions involved in the aging process and just going with it despite the yearning to still feel sexy and desirable.
We will also discuss the pros and cons of that decision and I’ll answer questions like do I still get asked out on dates, and did it make me feel older? Also, if i had it to do all over again would I?
Come join the conversation with your own personal experience or your questions. If you’re on the fence you will enjoy this conversation.
GUEST NAME: Linda Chaouli
GUEST BIO: Liana Chaouli is the President and Founder of Image Therapists International Inc. and
a globally recognized thought leader, style expert and educator.
GUEST URL: www.ImageTherapists.com