#43: Why you need to “Check Your Bags” at the door, if you want more peace in your life
Divorce with Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting/Gina Marie DePrima, Esq.
September 30, 2019

Divorce with Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting
Gina Marie DePrima, Esq.
September 30, 2019
#43: Why you need to “Check Your Bags” at the door, if you want more peace in your life
Did you know your thoughts and feelings are transmitted in your conversations and through your interactions, even when you’re not aware of them. That’s right. When we interact, we not only convey and transmit intended information and ideas, we also convey and transmit subtle information that we may not even be aware of. It’s your vibe. Your vibe that emanates from your heart carries with it encoded information about your overall thoughts, feelings, and state of being. So if you think angry thoughts all day, and feel guarded or defensive, your vibe will transmit that to whoever you are interacting with. Tune in to explore some ways to mind your energy, Check your Bags and shift into what you really want your vibe to be.
For support with techniques and to practice elevating your vibe, join the membership portal at www.divorce intelligence.com. To dive deeper and change your experience, heal your heart, and breakaway from damaging relationship patterns, go to www.doorwaytoheal.com to talk with Gina about personal coaching support.
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