#41: Honor, Integrity and Sportsmanship Cornerstone of the Westminster Dog Show – InFlowRadio

#41: Honor, Integrity and Sportsmanship Cornerstone of the Westminster Dog Show

Social Dog/Cindie Carter

February 27, 2019

Social Dog

Cindie Carter

February 27, 2019

#41: Honor, Integrity and Sportsmanship Cornerstone of the Westminster Dog Show

Today Social Dog has Christa Cook, Handler for the Colton the Schipperke from the Westminster Dog Show. Colton is the first Schipperke in history to ever win the Non-Sporting Group! Colton was not disqualified. His team made an HONORABLE call of sportsmanship. Christa will share what it was like to be there and what it took to get there. Would you like to become a dog handler? Christa will give you some fabulous tips and shares with us that dreams do come true!

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