#4: Surfing the Astrology Waves (Rebroadcast) – InFlowRadio

#4: Surfing the Astrology Waves (Rebroadcast)

Surfing the Psychic Waves/Kristi Walsh

October 30, 2018

Surfing the Psychic Waves

Kristi Walsh

October 30, 2018

#4: Surfing the Astrology Waves (Rebroadcast)

What’s up in the skies as we wind up 2018? Today Kristi is joined by guest Elizabeth Pendleton of Elizabeth’s Oracle, a light worker, astrologer and musician. She has been giving readings for over 20 years and presently works with clients around the world. Her musical credentials include a Professional Singer Songwriter Certificate from Berklee Online, where she presently studies music production and a background in Celtic harp.

GUEST NAME: Elizabeth Pendleton
GUEST BIO: Light worker, astrologer and musician
GUEST URL: https://elizabethsoracle.co/

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