#38: Communicating for Success with Attorney for Child, Guardian Ad Litem, Attorney Ad Litem, Custodial Evaluators – InFlowRadio

#38: Communicating for Success with Attorney for Child, Guardian Ad Litem, Attorney Ad Litem, Custodial Evaluators

Divorce with Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting/Gina Marie DePrima, Esq.

March 6, 2019

Divorce with Heart and Conscious Co-Parenting

Gina Marie DePrima, Esq.

March 6, 2019

#38: Communicating for Success with Attorney for Child, Guardian Ad Litem, Attorney Ad Litem, Custodial Evaluators

If you’re going through a divorce with kids or in court fighting for custody and other parental rights, then you don’t want to miss this week’s show. Learn the difference between a law guardian, an attorney for the child, a guardian ad litem and a custodial evaluator and discover what you should do when communicating with other players, and how to prepare your kids for what’s to come.

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* Get your FREE guide to Healing through Divorce or Choosing the right Lawyer, by subscribing to email list at www.deprimalaw.com.

* Get more tools and strategies for a better break up experience at www.divorceintelligence.com membership portal.

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