#33: Doggie Dojo with Trevor Smith (Rebroadcast) – InFlowRadio

#33: Doggie Dojo with Trevor Smith (Rebroadcast)

Social Dog/Cindie Carter

April 29, 2020

Social Dog

Cindie Carter

April 29, 2020

#33: Doggie Dojo with Trevor Smith (Rebroadcast)

Trevor is returning from the AKC Agility Internationals. Taking home top Shitzu and Silky Terrier medallions. His dogs also achieved Gold Elite Performance Trick Dog Title. His 4–month old Border Collie pup made it on AKC.TV! We are going to be speaking about anything dog training, Your dogs mental, physical and social health. Have a question about your dog? This would be a great time to call in live and speak with Trevor! GUEST NAME: Trevor SmithGUEST BIO: Trevor has more than 20 years of experience training dogs. In 2015, 2017 and 2018 he was invited to speak at the Association of Professional Dog Trainers conference on his work with kids and dogs. In 2016, he launched a dog training educational platform called The Doggie Dojo. GUEST URL: www.thedoggiedojo.com

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