#28: Table Tipping and Other Physical Methods of Communications – Contacting Spirit – InFlowRadio

#28: Table Tipping and Other Physical Methods of Communications – Contacting Spirit

Blissful Quests/Doyle Ward

October 24, 2018

Blissful Quests

Doyle Ward

October 24, 2018

#28: Table Tipping and Other Physical Methods of Communications – Contacting Spirit

It’s almost Halloween, a time when princesses, goblins and super-heroes roam the streets. Television is filled with movies featuring ghostly footsteps and tables flying through the air. Throughout history, people have tried many methods to contact their departed loved ones. Doyle shares some of the methods still being used today to attempt contact.

Another free, 15-minute, private reading with Doyle will be given away today to celebrate Halloween. Call in during the first 45 minutes of the live show to be eligible for this week’s drawing.

Join the Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/BQPodcast/ to ask questions and continue the conversation.
Visit https://blissfulquests.com for private reading or life coaching info.

Check out this episode!

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