#26: Tips and Inspiration from the Association of Professional Dog Trainers Convention
Social Dog/Cindie Carter
October 24, 2018

Social Dog
Cindie Carter
October 24, 2018
#26: Tips and Inspiration from the Association of Professional Dog Trainers Convention
Today Cindie is joined by Alyne Welch, Head Trainer at Walks and Wags. Alyne just returned from the APDT convention and has lots of new tips and inspiration for you and your dog. Join them as they talk about the exciting new training techniques, tips, products and adventures for you and your dog straight from the APDT conference.
They will be taking your calls live on air if you have any questions or could use some advice to help you and your dog.
GUEST NAME: Alyne Welch
GUEST BIO: Alyne is an APDT member and Head Trainer at Walks and Wags and Head Evaluator for their dog daycare. Her motto is, “A trained dog is a safe dog!”