#24: Surfing the Beltane Waves and other Celebration Waves (Rebroadcast) – InFlowRadio

#24: Surfing the Beltane Waves and other Celebration Waves (Rebroadcast)

Surfing the Psychic Waves/Kristi Walsh

December 11, 2019

Surfing the Psychic Waves

Kristi Walsh

December 11, 2019

#24: Surfing the Beltane Waves and other Celebration Waves (Rebroadcast)

We are checking into other energies to surf this year exploring pagan and Celtic celebrations and how they help us connect to all aspects of earth, with guest Elizabeth Pendleton from Elizabeth’s Oracle, she is a light worker, astrologer and musician with a background in the Celtic harp. She has been giving readings for over 20 years and assists clients around the world.

GUEST NAME: Elizabeth Pendleton
GUEST BIO: Light worker, astrologer and musician
GUEST URL: https://elizabethsoracle.co/

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#24: Surfing the Beltane Waves and other Celebration Waves (Rebroadcast)