#23: The Art of Giving and Receiving (Rebroadcast)
Love Your Life/Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi
December 18, 2019

Love Your Life
Genie Lee Perron and Debi Filippi
December 18, 2019
#23: The Art of Giving and Receiving (Rebroadcast)
We all know the wonderful feeling of helping someone, being of service, or giving of ourselves in some way. It warms your heart, doesn’t it? How many of us are so very giving and yet we have such a hard time asking for or receiving help? Giving and receiving are part of an energetic circle….as you give you keep the channel open to receive.
As you allow people and the Universe to provide for you, the flow of goodness in your lifes gets bigger and wider and brighter. If you cut off the flow by saying no to the receiving side, you’re missing part of the puzzle. Join Genie and Debi today to talk about keeping a nice healthy balance between giving and receiving. Perfect timing for the holiday season!
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