#23: Astral Projection — Are You a Traveler? – InFlowRadio

#23: Astral Projection — Are You a Traveler?

Blissful Quests/Doyle Ward

September 19, 2018

Blissful Quests

Doyle Ward

September 19, 2018

#23: Astral Projection — Are You a Traveler?

Astral projection – Does that term seem too far out there? Find out how this topic applies to our intuition and everyday lives.
Reports of Out of Body Experiences are on the rise. What do they mean and where are they going? Astral projection is described as an out-of-body experience where the astral body is able to travel beyond the physical body. Have you wondered what part of you travels; is it the soul, your consciousness or some type of energy? Tune in and discover the fascinating facets of astral projection.

Doyle will take your calls for free mini-readings and answer any questions.  Join the Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/BQPodcast/ to ask questions and continue the conversation. Visit https://blissfulquests.com for private reading or life coaching info.

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