#21: Releasing Perfectionism, Activating YOU – InFlowRadio

#21: Releasing Perfectionism, Activating YOU

SoulFUEL/Wendy Collier

October 25, 2018


Wendy Collier

October 25, 2018

#21: Releasing Perfectionism, Activating YOU

Wendy and her guest speaker, Salt Freedom explore three of THE most common challenges entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-in-the-making face in the ever expanding online market. They dive deep into; perfectionism, copy catting and lone wolfing. Listen in to hear their refreshing perspectives and tips on how to break free from these traps. Committing to no longer giving into these all-too-easy temptations, will allow you to realize FAR greater success and fulfillment in your Soul-Fueled business and build a radically authentic brand that makes a massive impact.

Salt Freedom is a motivational speaker, brand activist and media strategist. You can find her on the Salty Truth podcast on iTunes or at: http://SaltyTruth.love.

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