#20: When NOT To Trust Yourself – InFlowRadio

#20: When NOT To Trust Yourself

SoulFUEL/Wendy Collier

October 18, 2018


Wendy Collier

October 18, 2018

#20: When NOT To Trust Yourself

When it comes to getting your Soul-Fueled work out there, how do you know when to trust yourself and follow your intuition, and when to get help? Chances are, believing you can trust yourself in a couple key areas is probably why you aren’t making progress or succeeding at the level you want to (assuming that’s the case of course).

As much as Wendy believes you DO have an intuitive knowing that is brilliant, true and trustworthy, it is NOT the only skill you need to be successful. So what are THE most important skills you need to succeed in doing work you love? Wendy shares what those are and gives you three important questions to ask yourself to tune in with your ideal clients and begin formulating new ways to communicate (or market) to them.

If after listening in, you want to reach out to Wendy personally, for a limited time you can book one free consultation session at: www.wendycollier.com. Just click the “Contact” pop-up to reach out.

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