#127 You Have Everything It Takes (with Lizeth Aldana Perez) – InFlowRadio

#127 You Have Everything It Takes (with Lizeth Aldana Perez)

Career UpRising/Lorraine Rise

July 31, 2022

Career UpRising

Lorraine Rise

July 31, 2022

#127 You Have Everything It Takes (with Lizeth Aldana Perez)

After moving to a new country with an unfamiliar language and culture, Lizeth found herself lost and adrift in her career. After five years of waitressing and losing self-confidence, she found the courage to relaunch her career. Listen to her inspiring story and how working with Lorraine and her team transformed her thinking, and her career.

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#41: Perfectly Imperfect...How to Love Your Flaws


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